Pages of the Oasis

Monday, April 1, 2013

Advice for how to survive and thrive from Sarah

My tips for thriving in Saudi Arabia:
A: Be prepared to accept that you will be in a very different working environment, social environment and cultural environment. There may be times when things leave you feeling very confused and frustrated. Understand this is a part of the process of adapting to a new environment. Individuals who have the worst time in foriegn environments are those who focus on complaining, belittling the culture and who have no interest in being compassionate or understanding the situation they are functioning in. Accept ambiguity, be open and patient.
B: Reserve time for your hobbies or personal development. This can be a hobby like painting, cooking or going on hikes in the desert. Having free time is also useful if you want to enhance your skill set, go to lectures, learn Arabic, become and IELTS examiner or take the CELTA or DELTA. Enhancing your skill set can help you for the rest of your life.

Guest post by Sarah Ali

Find more of her advice on:

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